Vilda Bomben Film AB is carving out itself as a cutting edge film production company – in Sweden and in Europe. Ambitious when it comes to artistic quality and always looking for new ways to tell a story. Run and owned by producer Fredrik Lange and filmmaker Carl Javér and co-owned by lawyer Jesper Sundström.
When we work with filmmakers (like you?) we insist that the artists themselves maintain their rights. We don’t own the ideas – you do.
Call us and we’ll tell you more!
The company was founded in 2004 and is located in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is co-owned by Fredrik Lange, Carl Javér, Gunnar Bergdahl, Bo Sjökvist, Michele Collins and the solicitor Jesper Sundström. We have mainly worked in the field of documentaries but are diversifying into drama, both one offs and series. Normally we also develop five to eight documentaries both shorts and feature length at the same time. We are also developing young talents for various formats and has a French sector of the company.
Our leading intention is to produce films that look at the world with artistic means. Working with moving images constitute special problems. For us, the moving images are perhaps not language, but maybe just looking like a language. To be able work with such a material, we believe that one way to do this is to try and utilize dialogue and context as a model of communication. We assume that most of what goes on both inside the projects themselves and in the finished works is possible to reach through careful dialogue both with the creators, with others and the work itself to develop each project into an interesting result that can reach audiences in Europe and the rest of the world.
We have a strong connection to the local fund Film Väst, who have invested in almost every project we have worked on. SVT and SFI are typical financiers and supporters for our projects and we have a good relation to the cinema distributors Folkets Bio and Triart Film film in Sweden. Internationally we have recurringly been funded by DFI, Nordic film and TV Fund and Eurimages, as well as NFI, Fritt Ord, EU Media Development, and EU Media TV Distribution support.